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Pilgrims can visit Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda despite of repairing works on recently sabotaged bridge

NSS – July 10 

The Chairman of the Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda Board of Trustees, Soe Hla said that the road that was recently damaged in the terrorist attack is still accessible to the Golden Rock Pagoda though it is under maintenance work at the time being.    

On 6th July, the PDF affiliated terrorists exploded the bridge on an uphill road to the pagoda with mines. 

Due to the explosion, some of the pilgrims to the pagoda were blocked at the top of the mountain.  

The Chairman Soe Hla said that the repair works to the sabotaged bridge are being conducted and the maintenance work will be accomplished in the near future.  

“The repair works were started on 8th July. The road is not blocked. The bridge is reinforced concrete bridge. They blew up the middle part of the bridge. There was a blast crater on the floor of the bridge due to the explosion. Two third of the repair work has been done. In the afternoon, the floor removal work will be done. The necessary road construction materials are on the way. After that, we will repave the road. I think within 7 to 9 days the repair work will be finished. Therefore, the road will be able to access in 8 or 9 days later.” the Chairman Soe Hla recounted to NP News.  

He added that they are making the necessary arrangements for the convenience of pilgrims.   

He continued saying “The road to the pagoda isn’t blocked. From the pagoda platform to the sabotaged bridge, we have arranged automobile ferries and after crossing the bridge, we have also arranged the transport up to KinPoon Creek. Similarly, we have arranged for the uphill trip. The bridge is about 40 feet long. Therefore, the pilgrims have to walk on foot for about 40 feet. That’s it. For the rest such as food, hotel, and accommodation, everything is functioning and nothing is blocked.”  

Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda is one of the significant tourist destinations in Myanmar and not only local people but also foreigners especially from Thailand usually pay a visit there. 

Last June, there were altogether 5,572 local pilgrims.  In addition, the number of foreigners from different countries who visited the Golden Rock Pagoda was 828 in last June.

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မကွေးတိုင်းဒေသကြီး၊ စလင်းမြို့နယ်၊ အုတ်ဖိုကန်ကျေးရွာ၊ မင်းဘူး- စလင်းကားလမ်းပေါ်တွင် သစ်ပင်လဲကျမှုဖြစ်ပွား


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