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Hundreds of vehicles stuck in Myawaddy-Kawkareik road traffic under 5 days closure

Hsu / Myo Gyi (NP News) - Dec 26

It has been five days that the #Myawaddy_Kawkareik_Asia_Road in Kayin State is temporarily closed down as the result of armed clashes, wherein, hundreds of vehicles get stuck and commodity flow is halted.

The Asia Road has been closed since December 21 evening near Kawknwe Bridge at the exit of #Kawkareik, Kayin State.

“The road has been under closure up to today and therefore hundreds of cars, trucks, and vehicles are stuck on the road.” the local people said to NP News.

The Myanmar Military and Karen National Liberation Army (#KNLA) and its allied forces resumed fire exchange. The crossfire tensed up on December 24 at the exit of Kawkareik near Kawknwe turn.

“Last night the armed exchanges flared up. After seeing the helicopter in the sky, the crossfires intensified. Casualties on both sides are high. Guns aren’t flowers. We, the civilians, are getting upset living under such firing between the two sides. The villages are going into pieces,” one of the local people from Kawkareik township recounted to NP News.

Hundreds of vehicles, including lorries and private minivans, are queuing up from Ngar Taing Village to Ta Dar Kyoe check point, he continued.

Traders of perishable goods, such as cabbages and cauliflowers, have to sell at a loss since the trucks carrying cabbages to export to Thailand are stuck on the way.

According to the residents, some travel vehicles use another rather wild pathway, locally called Htaw Kaw Koe lane as they must travel between Myawaddy and Kawkareik at any cost. However, lorries and trucks cannot use that forest lane.

“One side does what they convince they are right. The other side conducts operations in line with the laws. We, the civilians are no more than the victims. Actually, we have once passed through that kind of misfortune to get peaceful days.

Unfortunately, the circle has been around again. The situation is getting worse. To say it honestly, as a local person, it breaks my heart to witness these doomsdays again. Commodity flows are halted. The vivid decline in job opportunities. All persons from different walks of life from trishaw drivers to brokers, agents, traders, owners, and all. To be short, everyone is suffering.” one of the Kawkareik local people gave a remark.

Currently, at least three bridges located along Hpa-an- Kawkareik-Myawadday Asia Road were exploded and sabotaged by planted mines.

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မကွေးတိုင်းဒေသကြီး၊ စလင်းမြို့နယ်၊ အုတ်ဖိုကန်ကျေးရွာ၊ မင်းဘူး- စလင်းကားလမ်းပေါ်တွင် သစ်ပင်လဲကျမှုဖြစ်ပွား


သြစတြီးယားမှာ နှင်းလျှောစီးလမ်းကြောင်းအတွင်း ဆီးနှင်းပြိုကျမှုကြောင့် လူနှစ်ဦး ပျောက်ဆုံးနေ

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