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Public calls to stop destroying education and schools by armed groups

NSS - June 12

There are nationwide pleas to prevent any interruptions or disruptions to educational institutions, especially by various armed groups. 

The 2024-2025 academic year has been started on 3 June and reports state that around 6.6 million children have enrolled at basic and monastic education schools across the country.  

According to information from the State Administration Council (SAC), a total of 6,672,329 students have enrolled for the current academic year. Out of these, 6,414,799 are currently attending their respective classes.  

On 3 June, the International Buddhist Education Centre’s principal and Stockholm World Peace Prize Holder Buddhist Sayadaw Dr. Ashin Sobhita (Venerable IBEC Sayadaw) requested the armed organizations not to interfere with any of the schools opened and operated throughout Myanmar.

"Education is required to overcome the fear. Therefore, to eradicate fears, no organization should interfere with the educational departments and schools nationwide. This call was made during the school opening ceremony today, and it emphasizes the importance of education for the brighter future of students and the stability and peace of the nation's citizens," Ashin Sobitha said.

Despite the calls for no disruption of educational institutions, an attack occurred on June 4, targeting a basic education school and a school bus in the Taninthayi Region.

Around 1 pm on 4 June, a bomb believed to be a 40mm grenade exploded at the Basic Education Primary School (Eain Shay Pyin) in Dawei Township, resulting in the death of one student and injuries to 22 students and one parent.

The National Unity Party's General Secretary, U Tun Yee, told The NSS that this act of terrorism was intended to intimidate parents and students, aiming to prevent them from attending school.  

“We do not accept any form of terrorism, especially acts that harm innocent children. Such acts are strongly opposed. Children’s education is crucial for the future of the country regardless of which government is in power. These children will be the ones taking responsibility for the country’s future, and it is unacceptable to cause them harm,” U Tun Yee stated.

On the morning of 4 June, five armed attackers targeted a school bus carrying students to Basic Education High School No. 1 (Dawei) in Launglon Township, Taninthayi Region. The attack injured a 14-year-old Grade-7 student.

As a matter of fact, many school-age children are losing opportunities for their education amid the ongoing political crisis. 

“Children need education to gain knowledge. Without education, they will face significant losses. Those who cannot attend school are not safe due to a lack of education. Education is critically needed, not just formal education but other forms of knowledge as well. As a parent, I don’t want my child’s education to be hindered. If children’s education is disrupted, the country will lose its light,” said a volunteer assisting in basic education schools to The NSS.

Furthermore, on 5 June around 11 am, a PDF coalition group attacked the Basic Education High School in Madohla Village, Khin-U Township, Sagaing Region, with six artillery shells, according to a resident who reported the incident to The NSS.

“The attack happened around 11 am today, with six short-range rockets. The main target was the Basic Education High School in Madohla, but luckily, no direct hits occurred on the school, and there were no casualties. However, students and children had to flee from the school in panic, and the school had to be closed today,” a resident said.

Security concerns in conflict-ridden townships across Rakhine and parts of Sagaing have prevented the government from opening many basic education schools for the current academic year, according to education sources. 

Additionally, during the current SAC administration, approximately 100 education staff, including teachers, have been killed in terrorist attacks, and numerous school buildings and educational facilities have been bombed, destroyed by mines, or set on fire.

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