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Arakan Front Party chairman urges Myanmar Military Chief to think beyond Constitution for conflict resolution

Hsu/ Munich (NSS) – Jan 9

Urging a more flexible approach, the Arakan Front Party chairman Dr. Aye Maung suggests Senior General Min Aung Hlaing exploring solutions beyond the Constitution to address ongoing internal conflicts.

During a meeting with representatives from 39 registered political parties in Naypyidaw on January 6th, Dr. Aye Maung made the abovementioned suggestion.

While acknowledging the complex nature of the conflicts, Dr. Aye Maung seemed to assume that potential shortcomings in the current constitutional framework are exacerbating the situation.

Dr. Aye Maung recounted to NP News, "When addressing these concerns, we must expand our scope beyond the confines of the 2008 Constitution. We've engaged with the UPDJC from U Thein Sein's administration through to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's administration in our efforts to amend the constitution, to be candid. However, after six years of discussions, only 51 amendment points were agreed upon. Hence, resolving the persistent civil armed conflicts necessitates thinking beyond the Constitution for national reconciliation. This was the focal point of my discussion during the meeting with the registered political parties."

Alongside his call for considering solutions beyond the Constitution, the AFP chairman also urged for a swift end to hostilities and the advancement of negotiations and political dialogue.

He further emphasized, "Our fights have been continuous and it has not come to an end. True freedom cannot be experienced without peace. As we all know, we had made the Panglong Agreement, making promises to collectively construct the Union. Hence, it is crucial for us to honor the commitments outlined in the Panglong Agreement. This implies our collective effort to establish a genuine Federal Democratic Union that empowers and enables self-determination and autonomy."

There has been a recent escalation in hostilities and armed conflict between the Myanmar Military and ethnic armed groups, with significant damage to towns and civilian infrastructure.

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မကွေးတိုင်းဒေသကြီး၊ စလင်းမြို့နယ်၊ အုတ်ဖိုကန်ကျေးရွာ၊ မင်းဘူး- စလင်းကားလမ်းပေါ်တွင် သစ်ပင်လဲကျမှုဖြစ်ပွား


ပါကစ္စတန်နိုင်ငံတွင် ပိုလီယိုကာကွယ်ရေးအဖွဲ့တစ်ဖွဲ့ကိုပစ်မှတ်ထားသည့် ဗုံးခွဲတိုက်ခိုက်မှုဖြစ်ပွားခဲ့ပြီး ရဲတပ်ဖွဲ့ ဝင် အနည်းဆုံး(၅)ဦး သေဆုံး

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