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Tension between Tatmadaw, KIA escalated near Laiza - the KIA HQ

Hsu/ Myo Gyi (NSS) – July 5

The military tension is reportedly increased between Myanmar Military (Tatmadaw) and Kachin Independence Army (KIA) near the headquarters of the KIA in Nan Sann Yang Village located in Laiza.

According to local people, there was an armed conflict between Myanmar Military and KIA near Nan Sann Yang village on 3rd July.  

Currently, the local people from Nan Sann Yang village are displacing to Waingmaw and Laiza townships for fear of potential armed conflict.  

One of the local people said to NP News “The military tension between two sides is escalating. KIA notified people to be aware of the war and also Myanmar Military ordered the civilian cars to be aware not to be harmed. However, we don’t hear that the roads are blocked. As the nature of the armed conflicts, there may be some blockage during crossfire. There is no formal order to block the roads yet.”

Nan Sann Yang village has suffered the dark sides of the war in recent years and the local people had to leave their villages and became Internal Displaced Persons. In 2019, thanks to the negotiation and reconciliation by the elders of the local community, those IDPs could return to their original places.

The Chairman of Lisu National Development Party (L.N.D.P), Shwe Min said to NP News “Senior personnel from the Tatmadaw and elders from the community facilitated and reconciled in 2019 in order to the IDPs of Nan Sann Yang village returned. Both sides agreed not to take a foothold in those areas. I also participated in these reconciliation talks. The Myanmar Military kept its promise and they did not settle any military base there. However, the KIA did not keep its promise. They came to the village and dug the gold mines there. In these areas, we can see KIA either in their uniform or casual wear.  They are dominating in these regions. Therefore, the problems like this come up today.”

The KIA made the public announcement on 4th July that the arms exchange can happen at any time because the Myanmar Military columns are on the move within Laiza township.

Chairman Shwe Min continued saying that Nan Sann Yang village is located very closest to the Laiza headquarters. So, the KIA might have a high concern. The tension has been escalating for about one week. As far as I know, the Myanmar Military went there to check as per reports that there were gold-digging persons in the village and the KIA started shooting. Then the armed conflicts resumed again.”

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