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Ban Ki-moon seeks to extend furthermore military ruling in Myanmar

Tun Mon Thet (NP News) – April 25

The former secretary-general of the United Nations, as well as the Vice-Chair of The Elders, Ban Ki-moon, is pursuing possible means to extend the military rule in Myanmar as he discourages the opportunities to convene a fresh election through which a civilian or quasi-civilian government will be designated. 

He visited Myanmar on April 23 and left on the next day.  The Elders released a statement today (on April 25) on Ban Ki-moon’s trip to Myanmar.

As per the statement by The Elders, Ban Ki-moon said, after he left the country, even with an intimidating tone that the election cannot be held or must not be held, which actually is, despite of looking for the election by Myanmar citizens. 

“He warned that,” as expressed in the statement, “elections must only be held when conditions are in place for them to be free and fair,” Ban Ki-moon was quoted in The Elders’ statement.  

On the other hand, Myanmar’s State Administration Council is making its steadfast effort to hold the election for returning the power back to the civilian.  It goes without saying that failing to convene a fresh election for Myanmar is, in other words, failing to restore the democratic installation; which in turns, will strengthen the military dominating governance in accord with the Constitution.

Is the condition that the international community wants with regard to Myanmar and her citizens for good sake: the long standing constituted military governance without election? 


The intimidating message by the UN’s former Chief wasn’t enough with that since it continued that “Holding elections under current conditions risks further violence and division.” 

A clear picture can be seen that violence and extrajudicial killings have been committed by the PDF terrorists who are affiliated with and under controlled by the National Unity Government. 

One day before Ban Ki-moon’s trip to Myanmar, a civil staff at the senior position: the deputy Director-General of the Union Election Commission, Sai Kyaw Thu, was assassinated in an extrajudicial killing committed by the PDF terrorists on April 22 in Yangon. He was killed by at least 12 gunshots by two gunmen. 

The Myanmar authorities reportedly showed the CCTV record of arbitrary killing of the UEC deputy Director-General to Ban Ki-moon during his trip. However, The Elders’ statement did not admit or mention a word with regard to the terrorist act conducted by the NUG/PDF but demanded all-inclusiveness political sphere in Myanmar including NUG. 

The very simple logic is that as long as surviving the terrorist acts in the country, it’s still too far to restore the normal democratic status in Myanmar. Encouraging terrorism and denying the fresh election is cheering the military ruling in Myanmar.

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မကွေးတိုင်းဒေသကြီး၊ စလင်းမြို့နယ်၊ အုတ်ဖိုကန်ကျေးရွာ၊ မင်းဘူး- စလင်းကားလမ်းပေါ်တွင် သစ်ပင်လဲကျမှုဖြစ်ပွား


တစ်လလျှင် ဂျပန်ယန်း (၁ဝဝဝဝ)ဖြင့် (၂)နှစ်တိတိပေးအပ်မည့် ပညာသင်ဆုကို‌ မြန်မာကျောင်းသားများ လျှောက်ထားနိုင်ဟု ဂျပန်နိုင်ငံရှိမြန်မာသံရုံးကြေညာ

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