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US regime defames Myanmar’s political parties and citizens

Tun Mon Thet (NP News) – April 2

The American’s Secretary of State pressed a defamation statement in recent days against the Sovereign Myanmar and her officially registered political parties slandering the potential legitimacy of the country’s upcoming fresh election.

The statement wrongfully expressed that it condemns the Myanmar Union Election Commission’s decision to abolish 40 political parties, including the National League for Democracy (NLD).

The Yankees seem failing to understand the provisos prescribed by the Myanmar Political Parties Registration Law.  

Section 25 of the law prescribes: “The political parties that exist as the political parties as per the Political Parties Registration Law (enacted by the State Peace and Development Council by Law No. 2/2010), which are desirous to continue as political parties under this Law, shall re-apply for the party registration to the Union Election Commission in accord with the provisions stated by this law within sixty days effective from the date ratified this law. If it fails to such reapplication for the registration, the political party thereafter is said to be automatically invalidated by the law.”

There was sixty days opportunity to renew the registration for the old parties to be involved in the upcoming election.

After sixty days period for the political parties to registration, as per the law, the National League for Democracy (NLD), its alliance Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD) and 38 others surrender all opportunities to stand as an officially existed political party in Myanmar.

Therefore, the NLD is deemed to voluntarily give up the legal privilege.   

As a matter of fact, a total of 63 parties across the country including old parties (under Section 25); new parties (under Section 3); and ethnic political parties submitted applications for the registrations to the UEC as of March 28, 2023.

Amongst, 12 parties are projected to running at the Union level and 51 others are the state/region based. The UEC is currently conducting necessary investigations to pass and approve the registrations of the parties.

Rose Party – UDP, which applied for registration at the UEC under Section 3 intending to run for the election at the Union level, is one of the abovementioned 63 parties. The Rose Party – UDP comments with regard to the provocative statement issued by the American Secretary of State as below.

“The very clear fact is that such statements spoken out by the embassies and the foreign states do not represent the Myanmar citizens and our desires. The American Government isn’t the stakeholder of Myanmar. The 63 political parties are lawfully preparing for the upcoming election. That is the bona fide aspiration of the Myanmar citizens for the election; and those statements are illegitimated,” Rose Party – UDP told NP News – English Edition

The Rose Party - UDP continues that “The United States should pay more attention to ensure free and fair for its own presidential election since malpractices, vote riggings and electoral frauds were investigated. Our country’s internal affair is none of their business.”

There are 54.38 million people in Myanmar as of January 2023. Among that population, there involved different groups with different shared values and interests; ethnics; representing institutions; preferring different parties; and/or even non-partisan citizens.  

The American isn’t just recklessly insulting the genuine desire of Myanmar voters for the upcoming election but also it is inflaming to install another wave of No-Vote pattern that was once campaigned back to 2010 led by the British Embassy and American Embassy in Myanmar, and the NLD; but failed.

In other words, the American regime is trying to set unwritten guidelines to impose anti-electoral movements in Myanmar which catalyzing for the country’s instability and unrest.

National Democratic Force (NDF) is an old political party and at present, submitted application for renewing the registration at the UEC under Section 25 to run for the upcoming election at the Union level. The National Democratic Force (NDF) once overcame the ill-will of the No-Vote movement in 2010; and won seats in the Pyithu Hluttaw, Amyotha Hluttaw and Region/State Hluttaws in the 2010 Election.

Kyaw Htet, the Secretary (1) of the National Democratic Force (NDF), remarks that “Myanmar is the sovereign country. There are laws enacted by the legitimate governments of a sovereign state. We, the political parties, and the citizens have to abide by those existing laws no matter whether we like them or not. Issuing those statements by the foreign embassies or the foreign governments or whatsoever is making an intervention into internal affairs of another sovereign state. We deny those unlawful statements by the foreign countries. They are unacceptable.”

This scenario of dissolving legal statuses of 40 old political parties including the NLD isn’t forcibly abolished by the authorities but automatically invalidated by law.

In the political context of 2012 by-election time, the NLD and SNLD were offered special gifts of beyond the law to enter Hluttaw by the then-President Thein Sein Administration under the title of ‘National Reconciliation’. It was favouring those outlaw political parties above the law prestige once.

“If the NLD really considers the interests of the public and the country, they still have chance to register under Section 3. That is their choice,” Kyaw Htet, the Secretary (1) of the National Democratic Force (NDF) told NP News – English Edition.

According to the Political Parties Registration Law (2023), the newly established political parties still are allowed to submit registrations at the UEC under Section 3 since there is no time frame provisions is stated in the law.

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မကွေးတိုင်းဒေသကြီး၊ စလင်းမြို့နယ်၊ အုတ်ဖိုကန်ကျေးရွာ၊ မင်းဘူး- စလင်းကားလမ်းပေါ်တွင် သစ်ပင်လဲကျမှုဖြစ်ပွား


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