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Thai Government revokes citizenship of Nerdah Mya, son of former KNU leader

Hsu/ Iris (NSS) – Feb 14 

  The Thai government revoked the citizenship status of Nerdah Mya and some of his family members. He is the son of the late General Bo Mya, former Chairman of the Karen National Union.

Saw Nerdah Mya, who declared himself as the President of Kawthoolei Army, was holding Thai citizenship. However, news of his citizenship status only came to light after the Thai Government revoked it. 

   A reliable source from Thailand confirmed to The Statesman Journal on February 9, "The document is genuine and has been verified. Upon careful examination, it was discovered that he used another person's name, leading to his removal from the list of Thai citizenship. If he believes this decision is unfair, he has the option to appeal by submitting evidence and relevant documents within 15 days."


It has been reported that not only Nerdah Mya but also his mother and wife have had their Thai citizenship revoked. News of their citizenship cancellation has spread to Myanmar’s Kayin State and beyond the Mae Sot District. According to several KNU news sources, it appears that Nerdah Mya may cease residing in the Thai side and instead relocate to Kayin State.

   According to some residents of Mae Sot belonging to the Karen community, the document issued by the Thailand Government was signed by the Chief of the Mae Sot District. They speculate that, despite his connections to certain Thai authorities and businessmen, he will not be exempt from the citizenship revocation.

    Despite his father, General Bo Mya, being the Ex-Chairman of the KNU, Nerdah Mya relinquished his Myanmar citizenship as a Kayin ethnic person and exchanged it for Thai citizenship. Furthe­rmore, it has been discovered that no one is being held accountable for appointing a Thai citizen as the Chief of Staff of the Karen National Defence Organization (KNDO).

   As a result, questions are arising about how many of the KNU senior leaders, including those in the CEC and EC, have already relinquished their Myanmar citizenship and how many currently hold Thai citizenship. Why has Nerdah Mya's case been overlooked?

  Nerdah Mya was summoned last year to the KNU Headquarters and dismissed due to the mass killing of 25 road construction workers in the Wor Lay region in 2021.

    Nevertheless, Nerdah Mya disregarded the senior leaders of the KNU. He collected funds contributed by Kayin individuals abroad, and instigated military operations within the Kayin State. –

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