Static Template
  • အခေါက်ရွှေဈေး တစ်ကျပ်သား -
  • သတင်းဆောင်းပါးများတင်ဆက်ပေးနေသော NSS မှ ကြိုဆိုပါသည်။
  • အမေရိကန်(၁)ဒေါ်လာ -
  • ရွှေဈေး တစ်ကျပ်သား သိန်း ၃၀
  • သတင်းဆောင်းပါးများတင်ဆက်ပေးနေသော NSS မှ ကြိုဆိုပါသည်။
  • အခေါက်ရွှေဈေး တစ်ကျပ်သား -
  • သတင်းဆောင်းပါးများတင်ဆက်ပေးနေသော NSS မှ ကြိုဆိုပါသည်။
  • အမေရိကန်(၁)ဒေါ်လာ -
  • ရွှေဈေး တစ်ကျပ်သား သိန်း ၃၀
  • သတင်းဆောင်းပါးများတင်ဆက်ပေးနေသော NSS မှ ကြိုဆိုပါသည်။
Exiled NLD CWC has no authority to represent NLD: CC member proclaims

Tun MT (NP News) – Mar 4

Yesterday afternoon (March 3), the NLD Central Working Committee (CWC) - which frequently releases harsh and hostile statements in 2021, 2022, and 2023 consecutively – issued another conflicting statement in which one CEC and three CC members of the National League for Democracy including Phyo Min Thein (CEC), Toe Lwin (CC), Sandar Min (CC) and Win Myint Aung (CC) were dismissed from the party member statuses. (CEC stands for the Central Executive Committee and CC for the Central Committee.)

With regard to the abovementioned contradictory announcement, the current and non-exiled CC member of the NLD, Toe Lwin, uncovers some facts of NLD’s inside information and the doubtful quality of reliability of the CWC in representing the NLD in the late hours of March 3.

In his proclamation, the former State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi and the former President Win Myint have denied responsibility for the CWC’s decisions in the current political context since 8th November 2021. On the day, the message was passed through their lawyers: Min Min Soe and Khin Maung Zaw, the CEC Toe Lwin avowed.

“Abusing the name of NLD is illicit,” he stated, continuing that “They have no authority to make decision on behalf of the NLD since they stole the NLD’s blue-marked Facebook page.”

The NLD CWC was organized in exile in March 2021. In addition, the NLD Facebook page is controlled by Nay Phone Latt and Lwin Ko Latt, members of the terrorist-affiliated entity NUG (National Unity Government).

As a matter of fact, Toe Lwin claimed that those who fled the country aren’t even regarded as party members in accordance with the NLD’s constitution and principles.

An interesting and astonishing fact is that Nay Phone Latt stole the blue-marked NLD’s Facebook page after he manipulated the admin and editor roles of the page in a coercive manner, according to Toe Lwin.

The NLD CWC advocated the public to boycott the General Election that is projected to be convened fresh in 2023.

Toe Lwin is a member of the Central Committee of the NLD as well as the member of the Central Disciplinary Committee of the NLD.

Six CEC members of the NLD at present aren’t imprisoned and residing in domestic. They are Han Thar Myint, Thein Oo, Dr. Myo Nyunt, Dr. Tin Myo Win, Aung Soe, and Khin Htay Kywel.

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မကွေးတိုင်းဒေသကြီး၊ စလင်းမြို့နယ်၊ အုတ်ဖိုကန်ကျေးရွာ၊ မင်းဘူး- စလင်းကားလမ်းပေါ်တွင် သစ်ပင်လဲကျမှုဖြစ်ပွား


အိုဟိုင်းယိုးပြည်နယ် ဓါတုပစ္စည်းတင်မီးရထား လမ်းချော်မှုမှ ကင်ဆာအဆိပ်သင့်ပမာဏ ပုံမှန်ထက် မြင့်မားနေကြောင်း သိပ္ပံပညာရှင်များ ပြောကြား

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