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  • အခေါက်ရွှေဈေး တစ်ကျပ်သား -
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  • အမေရိကန်(၁)ဒေါ်လာ -
  • ရွှေဈေး တစ်ကျပ်သား သိန်း ၃၀
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Hideo Watanabe pledges to strive for Myanmar’s Tatmadaw-assisted development

Hsu / Myo Gyi (NP News) – Feb 22

The Japan-Myanmar Friendship Association Chairman, Mr. Hideo #Watanabe, pledged to strive for the development of Myanmar and the #Tatmadaw’s steadfast goodwill in its role accordingly.

According to the State Administration Council’s information team, the Chairman of the Japan-Myanmar Friendship Association said it during the honorary titles and medals conferring ceremony on those who sacrificed for the development of the nation, peace and prosperity on 20th February.

The SAC organized the ceremony to confer the honorary titles towards the former Prime Minister of Japan Mr. Taro Aso for his utmost performance in the development, peace and prosperity of Myanmar. Mr. Hideo Watanabe for his excellent performance in the development and peace and prosperity of Myanmar.

In this Ceremony, the Senior General conferred Thiri Pyanchi title to Mr Hideo Watanabe for his excellent performance in the development and peace and prosperity of Myanmar.

After that, the Senior General presented the Thray Sithu title and insignia for former Japanese Prime Minister Mr Taro Aso for his excellent performance in the development and peace and prosperity of Myanmar to Mr Hideo Watanabe on behalf of the former Japanese Prime Minister.

The Senior General expressed that the Chairman of the Japan-Myanmar Association has struggled years for the betterment and development of Myanmar and has held bilateral friendship for many years.

The Senior General also said that Mr. Watanabe could bring out more friendly relationship between two militaries and also brought out Japanese investment in Myanmar for the country’s development. He also believes that Mr. Hideo Watanabe can promote further on two countries’ better cooperation and collaboration.

In the SAC’s news released, it is stated that Mr. Hideo Watanabe also expressed the words of thanks to the Senior General and said that Japan will continue their support towards Myanmar. Mr. Watanabe also said that he will continue working for the development of Myanmar until his last breath.

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မကွေးတိုင်းဒေသကြီး၊ စလင်းမြို့နယ်၊ အုတ်ဖိုကန်ကျေးရွာ၊ မင်းဘူး- စလင်းကားလမ်းပေါ်တွင် သစ်ပင်လဲကျမှုဖြစ်ပွား


မိုင်းဆတ်မြို့နယ်တွင် ငွေကျပ် (၂ ဒသမ ၆)ဘီလျံကျော်တန်ဖိုးရှိ စိတ်ကြွရူးသွပ်ဆေးပြား နှင့် လက်နက်/ခဲယမ်းများ ဖမ်းဆီးရမိ

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